Rate Limits
It's important you study rate limits for your plan and the different services that you use. Please email hello@ipforensics.net if you have any questions!
Abuse prevention
If you start getting Cloudflare errors such as Cloudflare error 1020 - it's most likely you are being flagged by our abuse prevention system and Cloudflare blocks your access on our behalf.
You may also be seeing other error messages.
Below are a few scenarios where you get temporarily banned.
If you are sending requests although your key is already rate-limited we may temporarily ban you. For example, let's say your plan allows you to do 200 requests per minute. If you try to do 300 requests in the same second - you will most likely get temporarily banned.
Use one api key per project. For example, if you create 100 free accounts and send requests using the keys from these accounts - all accounts tied to the same project will be banned.
If you think you are temporarily banned by mistake please email helpdesk@storeg.cloud and we will help you fast.
How to avoid getting banned?
Don't use more than 1 IpForensics account.
Implement rate-limiting logic in your app so you don't try doing more requests than your plan allows.
Email us at support@ipforensics.net if you have any questions.
Is it allowed to create multiple accounts?
As we offer generous free tokens on every new account created, we don't allow multiple account creation.
Only 1 free account is allowed per user.
If you build your app based on resources spread over several newly created accounts - you will be banned and your service will face unexpected downtime.
Please contact us at support@ipforensics.net if you have any questions 🙌
Why am I rate limited?
There are 2 different types of rate-limits you need to know about.
Default Rate limit
You are allowed to make 200 request per minute regardless of your plan.
Rate-limits when using invalid API Keys
Error 429 - Rate limit between your application and IpForensics API
As you know - anyone can use invalid api keys and try to call or make a request to the IpForensics
If you go above the allowed rate-limit you set they will see the following error:
Rate-limits when calling IpForensics API using HTTP
Error 429 - Rate limit between your application and IpForensics API
When you are calling IpForensics API from your own backend you may get limited by the IpForensics API.
In that case you will get
When you call the API you can expect the response header in order to understand your rate limits.
The most important values to look at are x-rate-limit-limit
and x-rate-limit-used
The first one tells you how many requests you are allowed to do per minute and the minute one how many requests you already did in current minute.
Some heavy requests count as several request
In order to not get rate-limited pay attention to x-rate-limit-used
to be lower than x-rate-limit-limit
The way to fix this error is to wait after a minute to make another request.
Last updated
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