We provide detailed ASN data for all IP Addresses
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We provide detailed ASN data for all IP Addresses
Last updated
We return detailed ASN data belonging to the IP Address
Sample Response
The (AS) Number associated with the IP.
The top-level domain name associated with the organization that owns the connection IP.
The name of the organization that owns the Autonomous System for the IP address that is analyzed. The value may fallback to the Autonomous System name if the organization name is not available.
The AS route associated with the IP address as announced and used in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing tables over the Internet.
Classifies the connection type among
hosting: Belonging to a datacenter (we have mapped 200M+ hosting IP addresses)
isp: Belonging to ISP IP space (we have mapped 1B+ isp IPs)
cdn: Belonging to a Content delivery network
edu: Educational institutions
gov: One of ~25,000 government agencies worldwide
mil: Military organizations
business: End-user organizations