Exchange Rate API
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IpForensics provides a simple REST API with real-time and historical exchange rates for 200 world currencies including crypto, delivering currency pairs in universally usable JSON format - compatible with any of your applications.
Spot exchange rate data is retrieved from several major forex data providers in real-time, validated, processed and delivered hourly, every 10 minutes, or even within the 60-second market window.
Providing the most representative forex market value available ("midpoint" value) for every API request, the IpForensics API powers currency converters, mobile applications, financial software components and back-office systems all around the world
Features Available
Real-time exchange rates using the IpForensics API's live endpoint.
The Ipforensics API provides accurate historical exchange rate data for every past day all the way back to the year of 2020.
Using the convert
endpoint, you may request the IpForensics API to perform a Single currency conversion on your behalf. e.g converting $500 to Naira
Our Currency Swap API endpoint is useful for applications where you just want to convert between two specific currencies and aren't interested in any others.
You'll need to choose your base currency code and the target currency you'd like to get the exchange rate for.
You'll then get a minimal JSON response back from our API with exactly the data you need. It's a much smaller response than the one you'd get from our Live Rate endpoint - quick & easy to develop with.
A full list of supported currencies can be accessed both in JSON Format and on this website. We support crypto currencies. We support over 200+ currencies